Parasite Control and Prevention

As pet parents, you show your love to your pets by keeping them safe from harm. Parasites are some of the most dangerous creatures they can come across. Parasites that can infect your pet include ticks, fleas, roundworms, hookworms, ear mites, etc. Though these critters are tiny, they can cause lasting damage to your pet’s health and, in severe cases, can be fatal. Prevention is also important because your pet can pass on parasites to you and the rest of your family. We recommend a year-round prevention plan to keep everyone in your household safe.

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What are signs that my pet has parasites?

Some signs of an infection include:

  • Itching and scratching
  • Vomiting
  • Hives
  • Swollen belly
  • Protruding lumps
  • Redness of the skin
  • Brown or black discharge in the ear
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea

Do indoor pets need parasite prevention?

Yes, indoor pets need parasite prevention. Some parasites like ticks can use human clothing and shoes to get inside the home. Additionally, if your pet interacts with other pets, they can get parasites from them.

Can my pet get a parasitic infection while on preventatives?

Yes! We usually warn pet owners not to panic if their loyal companion has an infection while on preventive medication. Some preventatives kill the parasite after they’ve come in contact with your pet. Your pet is also at risk of a parasitic infection if the preventive isn’t taken when recommended. A missed or late dose can make the medication less effective for your pet.

What are the dos and don’ts to preventing parasites in my pet?

  1. Don’t use natural remedies to treat signs of a parasitic infection. Homemade or natural remedies can make your pet more susceptible to other health problems
  2. Work with a veterinarian to create a parasite prevention plan for your pet. Your veterinarian will consider your pet’s environment and unique risk factors when deciding what type of prevention your pet needs. Please tell your veterinarian if you plan to move or travel with your pet.
  3. Don’t opt for over-the-counter products as they aren’t always effective. You can always discuss what the best option is for your pet with your veterinarian.
  4. Don’t share products between species as the dosage levels will differ.

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